Novena between Ascension Thursday and Pentecost Sunday 2020
Together let us pray the First Novena of the Holy Church with our Blessed Mother and little Luisa in the Cenacle on Mount Zion, from Ascension Thursday to Pentecost Sunday. Let us beg for the Seven Gifts of the Holy Spirit for the little children of the Most Holy Divine Will, that the Third Fiat to Reign on earth as it is in Heaven begins!
Ascension Thursday – May 21
United with Our Blessed Mother Mary and our little mama Luisa in the Cenacle on Mount Zion (1st Christian Church), we pray for a Great Outpouring of the Holy Spirit for the Second Pentecost to Start the New Era of the Third Fiat! We pray You Lord Jesus, take our human will with You to Heaven and replace it with Your Divine Will on Pentecost Sunday. O Most Holy Spirit, we implore You to Pour out Your Spirit upon us, the little children of the Most Holy Divine Will. Make of us Your Intrepid children, no longer fearful but Courageous, Transforming us and Forming in us the True Character of the children of God’s Holy Divine Will. We pray You to Invest us with Your Light and Grace, Such and So Great that we shall Lay down our lives in order to Call everyone to Live in this Holy Kingdom of God’s Will. With this Great Outpouring of Your Holy Spirit upon us, You Holy Spirit shall Come and Renew the face of the earth. Lord Jesus, may this our humble prayer become Your Great Command.
Fiat! Amen! So Be It!
V16 – 5.29.24 – “But when they (the Apostles) saw Me Ascend into Heaven,…It gave Birth to the Light of Divine Science; it removed from them the swaddling clothes of their infancy, and it formed them as intrepid men – no longer fearful, but Courageous. The pain Transformed them and Formed in them the True Character of Apostles.”
V26 – 5.12.29 –“…I Wanted to Ascend into Heaven with My Humanity as Beautiful, Clothed with Light, just as it came out of Our Creative Hands, so as to say to the Celestial Father: ‘My Father, look at Me, how My Humanity is Redone, how the Kingdom of Our Divine Will is Safe in It. I AM the Head of all, and the One Who Prays You has all the Rights to Ask and to Give What I Possess.’
… I Ascended into Heaven in order to Fulfill, with My First Task, My Second Task of Impetrating and Giving the Kingdom of My Divine Will upon earth.…”
V34 – 5.20.36 – “…on this Day of My Ascension I received the Double Crown: the Crown of My Children whom I was taking with Me to the Celestial Fatherland, and the Crown of My Children whom I was leaving on earth – these too, Symbol of the few who would Form the Beginning of the Kingdom of My Divine Will.
“…the First Children of the Kingdom of My Divine Will shall be few, but the Graces with which they shall be Invested shall be Such and So Great, that they shall lay down their lives in order call everyone to Live into this Holy Kingdom. …the Light that shall Invest Its First Children shall be Such and So Great, that they shall bring the Beauty, the Enchantment, the Peace of My Divine Fiat, in Such a Way that creatures shall easily Surrender to wanting to Know and Love So Great a Good.”
Day 1 – Sapientia – The Gift of Wisdom – May 22
United with Our Blessed Mother Mary and our little mama Luisa in the Cenacle on Mount Zion (1st Christian Church), we pray for a Great Outpouring of the Holy Spirit for the Second Pentecost to Start the New Era of the Third Fiat!
We pray to the Holy Spirit for the Great Gift of Wisdom:
O Most Holy Spirit, we, the little children of the Holy Divine Will pray that Your Divine Will permeate all our being, so that Your Divine Will Forms the True and Perfect Consecration within us. In this Way the human thought shall have life no more within us but only the thought of Your Volition. This Consecration shall Create Your Wisdom in our minds, and with Your Great Outpouring of this Gift of Wisdom in the Divine Will You, Holy Spirit shall Come and Renew the face of the earth.
Lord Jesus may this our humble prayer become Your Great Command.
Fiat! Amen! So Be It!
V11 – 12.17.14 – “You Must let My Divine Will Permeate all your being; and My Divine Will, that contains the whole of My Life, shall Form the True and Perfect Consecration. So, the human thought shall have life no more, but only the thought of My Volition, and this Consecration shall Create My Wisdom in your mind…”
Day 2 – Scientia – The Gift of Knowledge – May 23
United with Our Blessed Mother Mary and our little mama Luisa in the Cenacle on Mount Zion (1st Christian Church), we pray for a Great Outpouring of the Holy Spirit for the Second Pentecost to Start the New Era of the Third Fiat!
We pray to the Holy Spirit for the Great Gift of Knowledge:
O Most Holy Spirit, we, the little children of the Holy Divine Will, implore You to grant us the Divine Seeds of Knowledge of Your Holy Fiat, so that each additional Knowledge may become a New Divine Life for our souls; a Life with Infinite Goods and Joys. With the Knowledge of the Truths of the Divine Will, Your Holy Will Itself shall become the Actor, and Spectator, Transmitting Its Own Life to our souls and with Your Great Outpouring of this Gift of Knowledge in the Divine Will You, Holy Spirit, shall Come and Renew the face of the earth. Lord Jesus may this our humble prayer become Your Great Command.
Fiat! Amen! So Be It!
V36 – 6.12.38 – “You Must Know that as many are the Divine Seeds that the soul Acquires by Knowledge of My Fiat, So Many More Degrees of Our Knowledge and Glory shall We Extend to her when, having finished her life down here, she shall come to Our Heavenly Fatherland. To each Knowledge Acquired on earth shall correspond a Double Knowledge of Our Supreme Entity in Our Celestial Residence.
…Therefore, the Glory of the Blessed shall correspond to how many Acts in Our Divine Will they have done: Glory and Joy shall be Higher the More Knowledge they Acquired. …because each additional Knowledge is a New Divine Life that the soul Acquires, a Life with Infinite Goods and Joys. “…We long for Our Children who shall Live in Our Divine Will, to Make Ourselves Known on earth, since It shall be their Teacher of the New Sciences of their Creator and shall Make them Beautiful, Wise, Holy and Noble, according to the Knowledge Acquired.”
V36 – 11.13.38 – “…the First thing Knowledge does is to give them eyes, to prevent them from being like the poor blind. It lets them look, Understand and Desire the Good and the Life it wants to give them. Furthermore, the Knowledge of My Truths becomes, Itself, the Actor and Spectator Transmitting Its Own Life to the creature.”
Day 3 – Intelligentia – The Gift of Understanding – May 24
United with Our Blessed Mother Mary and our little mama Luisa in the Cenacle on Mount Zion (1st Christian Church), we pray for a Great Outpouring of the Holy Spirit for the Second Pentecost to Start the New Era of the Third Fiat!
We pray to the Holy Spirit for the Great Gift of Understanding:
O Most Holy Spirit, we, the little children of the Divine Will, beseech You for the Gift of Understanding. Mankind was Created to Possess the Divine Will in Order to Understand our God. We pray You to Teach us Your Divine Sciences so we may Understand Perfectly Your Celestial Dialect, since it is God Himself Who Wants us to Understand Him. And with the Great Outpouring of this Gift of Understanding in the Divine Will, You Holy Spirit shall come and Renew the face of the earth.Lord Jesus may this our humble prayer become Your Great Command.
Fiat! Amen! So Be It!
V22 – 6.12.27 – “…since the Life of My Divine Will is present in all Creation, she (the creature) shall Form One Single Life for all Created things, and since the Life is One, she shall Understand their Language and the Relations Existing with her Creator. …But do you know who it is that is capable of hearing their voice, of Understanding their Celestial Speaking…? One who Possesses My Divine Will. She has the hearing to be able to Listen to their voice, the Intelligence to Comprehend them…”
V26 – 5.16.29 – “Alas! I Created man to have someone with whom to speak; but he was to Possess My Divine Will in order to Understand Me…”
V35 – 3.20.38 – “…if the creature Lives in Our Divine Will, We feel Our Life being repeated in her, We can Teach her Our Divine Sciences; …She shall Understand Perfectly Our Celestial Dialect…”
V36 – 8.21.38 – “Now You Must Know that, as I Form My Life in the thought of the creature who Lives in My Will, I feel the Company of the human intelligence, that Courts Me and Loves Me. …I feel the Company of My Wisdom, that Understands Me and also the company of the human will Fused with Mine – …When We find her Understanding and Loving Us More, We can say that We find Our Reward, since the more Lives We Form, the More We let Ourselves be Understood.
…You Must Know that these, Our Divine Lives, bring with them Seas of…Understanding Wisdom… This is why We Love, So Much, that the creature Live in Our Will: because We want to Give; We want her to Understand Us…”
Day 4 – Fortitudo – The Gift of Fortitude – May 25
United with Our Blessed Mother Mary and our little mama Luisa in the Cenacle on Mount Zion (1st Christian Church), we pray for a Great Outpouring of the Holy Spirit for the Second Pentecost to Start the New Era of the Third Fiat!
We pray to the Holy Spirit for the Great Gift of Fortitude:
O Most Holy Spirit, we, the little children of the Holy Divine Will, pray You that the Most Holy Divine Will, Like a Great Mother, clasps us to Her Breast, and Fortifies with Her Strength, the motions, the words, the steps of all Her children. With this Fortitude we shall be Invested Completely and Transformed. We pray You Holy Spirit, that with this Gift of Fortitude we shall appear Strong in Love, in Suffering, in Operating. Then Strength shall be the halo of the little children of the Divine Will, so as to be the Invincible ones before God and over ourselves. With the Great Outpouring of this Gift of Fortitude in the Divine Will, You Holy Spirit shall come and Renew the face of the earth. Lord Jesus may this our humble prayer become Your Great Command.
Fiat! Amen! So Be It!
V33 – 2.10.34 – “…as It (Supreme Volition) sees that Its tiny little one wants to give something of her own with her little works, to tell Her (Divine Will) that she Loves Her, this Divine Mother clasps Her daughter to Her Breast, and Fortifies with Her Strength the Motion, the Word, the Step of Her daughter. This Fortitude Invests her completely, It Transforms her, …So, she appears Strong in Love, Strong in Suffering, Strong in Operating – Strength is the Halo of this creature; she is the Invincible one before God and over herself…”
Day 5 – Pietas – The Gift of Piety – May 26
United with Our Blessed Mother Mary and our little mama Luisa in the Cenacle on Mount Zion (1st Christian Church), we pray for a Great Outpouring of the Holy Spirit for the Second Pentecost to Start the New Era of the Third Fiat!
We pray to the Holy Spirit for the Great Gift of Piety:
O Most Holy Spirit, we implore You for the Gift of Piety which is True Sanctity. We, the little children of the Holy Divine Will beseech You to Unite us to the Holy Divine Will of God, so that our human wills are United with Jesus and Transformed in Him. We shall then remain – in Continual Prayer – one with Him, and shall no longer be subject to other pious practices outside of Divine Will whose sanctity is false. With the Great Outpouring of this Gift of Piety in the Divine Will, You Holy Spirit shall Come and Renew the face of the earth.
Lord Jesus may this our humble prayer become Your Great Command.
Fiat! Amen! So Be It!
V12 – 8.14.17 – “…one who Lives in the Divine Will finds it impossible to act on his own; even more, he feels nausea for his human operating, be it even Holy, because in the Divine Will all things, even the smallest ones, take on a different look. They acquire Nobility, Splendor, Divine Sanctity, Divine Power and Beauty; they Multiply to Infinity, and in one instant one does everything. And after he has done everything, he says: ‘I have done nothing – Jesus did it.
“…True Sanctity, I believe, consists only in this. All other things are shadows, larvae, specters of Sanctity. In the Divine Will, Virtues take Their Place in the Divine Order; while, outside of It, in the human order, they are subject to self-esteem, to vain glory, to passions.
…Therefore, many find themselves on the false way of Sanctity. Many place it in the pious practices of Piety – …Oh! how they deceive themselves. If their wills are not United with Jesus, and also Transformed in Him – that is continual prayer – with all their pious practices their Sanctity is false.”
Day 6 – Timor Domini – The Gift of Holy Fear – May 27
United with Our Blessed Mother Mary and our little mama Luisa in the Cenacle on Mount Zion (1st Christian Church), we pray for a Great Outpouring of the Holy Spirit for the Second Pentecost to Start the New Era of the Third Fiat!
We pray to the Holy Spirit for the Great Gift of Holy Fear:
O Most Holy Spirit, we, the little children of the Holy Divine Will, implore You to Build within us a House Most Pleasing to You, and Guard us in our House with the Gift of the Holy Fear of God. May this Holy Fear Guard this House against any inconvenience, wind, or anything else that might threaten it. We pray You that this Holy Fear Safeguard our House and make us Operate out of Fear of Offending the Master of this House. May this Holy Fear allow us to do everything in order to Please God, with no other intention. With the Great Outpouring of this Gift of Holy Fear in the Divine Will, You Holy Spirit shall Come and Renew the face of the earth. Lord Jesus may this our humble prayer become Your Great Command.
Fiat! Amen! So Be It!
V2 – 10.29.99 – “…once the soul has made everything go out of herself, then do I Enter, and United with the human will of the soul, we Build a House. The Foundations of it are based on Humility, and the Deeper they are, the Higher and Stronger the Walls shall be. These Walls shall be built with the Stones of Mortification, Cemented with the Purest Gold of Charity. After the Walls have been Built, I, like a Most Excelling Painter, Plaster it and Form the Most Excelling Paintings – not with lime and water, but with the Merits of My Passion, represented by the lime, and with the Colors of My Blood, represented by the water. This serves to Protect It well from rains, from snows, and from any shock. Then come the Doors, and in order for them to be Solid like wood and not subject to woodworms, Silence is necessary, that Forms the death of the exterior senses. In order to keep this House, a Guardian is Necessary to Watch over It everywhere, inside and out. And this is the Holy Fear of God that Guards It against any inconvenience, wind or anything else that might threaten it. This Fear shall be the Safeguard of this House, that shall make one Operate, not out of fear of penalty, but out of Fear of offending the Master of this House. This Holy Fear must do nothing other than do everything in order to Please God, with no other intention.”
Luisa’s Yearnings for Sanctity – “O my Love, Jesus, You are Omnipotent – set me Afire, Burn me to ashes, Consume me in Your Flames, let it be that I may never again offend You! …I know… I must do violence to myself in many motions of my spirit, and Conquer myself in a thousand ways, on a thousand occasions… I shall need to Operate always and in everything with a Live Spirit of Faith and of Holy Fear of God.”
Day 7 – Consilium – The Gift of Counsel – May 28
United with Our Blessed Mother Mary and our little mama Luisa in the Cenacle on Mount Zion (1st Christian Church), we pray for a Great Outpouring of the Holy Spirit for the Second Pentecost to Start the New Era of the Third Fiat!
We pray to the Holy Spirit for the Great Gift of Counsel:
O Most Holy Spirit, we, the little children of the Holy Divine Will, pray You for Your Gift of Counsel. May we see all things through the Eyes of God, perceiving everything according to His Holy Divine Will. Let us never make a Judgment without Imploring the Author and Giver of Lights and Consulting Him above all things, that through You Holy Spirit we may be directed in the Way of Truth. With the Great Outpouring of this Gift of Counsel in the Divine Will, You Holy Spirit shall Come and Renew the face of the earth. Lord Jesus may this our humble prayer become Your Great Command.
Fiat! Amen! So Be It!
(Note: The Gift of Counsel Endows the soul with Supernatural Prudence, enabling it to judge promptly and rightly what must be done, especially in difficult circumstances. Counsel is Supernatural Common Sense, a Priceless Treasure in the quest of Salvation. “Above all these things, pray to the Most High, that He may direct thy way in Truth.)
V28 – 7.9.30 – “If the Fruits are Holy, why want to judge My Way? …It is from the Fruits that the Tree is Known – whether it is Good, mediocre or bad; and I AM greatly disappointed that instead of looking at the Fruits, they judged the Cortex of the Tree, and maybe not even the substance and the Life of the same Tree. Poor ones, what can they comprehend by looking at the Cortex of My Ways without Descending to the Fruits that I have Produced? They shall remain more in the dark, and they can incur in the disgrace of the Pharisees who, looking in Me at the Cortex of My Works and Words, not at the substance of the Fruits of My Life, remained blind and ended up giving Me death. And besides, is this the Way to make a judgment without imploring the Author and Giver of Lights and Consulting the One Whom they judge with such ease?”
Day 8 – Gift of the Divine Will – May 29
United with Our Blessed Mother Mary and our little mama Luisa in the Cenacle on Mount Zion (1st Christian Church), we pray for a Great Outpouring of the Holy Spirit for the Second Pentecost to Start the New Era of the Third Fiat!
We pray to the Holy Spirit for the Great Gift of the Divine Will:
O Most Holy Spirit, we, the little children of the Holy Divine Will, beg You to dispose us to receive the Great Gift of Your Divine Will. This Gift of Divine Will shall put our souls in their place, Established by God in the Divine Order. With the Help of Your Grace, by being disposed we pray You not to allow us to waste this Gift, but that we Esteem It So Much and Love It more than our own lives. It is Your Own Will that Wants and Yearns to Give the Kingdom of the Divine Volition for the return of man into the Royal Palace of Your Will. By Virtue of Your Own Desires, we implore You that Your Creative Work be Restored and Reordered within us, just as it came out of Your Creative Hands, so that we may Live in the Kingdom of Your Divine Will, giving It Supremacy over Everything; holding It more than Life Itself.In Your Great Excess of Love we plead with You again and again, to Grant us the Great Gift of the Kingdom of Your Will, so that the Fiat Voluntas Tua may Come to Reign on earth as It does in Heaven. With this Great Gift, the Celestial Virgin, Your Spouse and Heiress of this Kingdom, Mary Most Holy, shall Call the creatures as Her Children, that they may Receive the Gift of Her Great Inheritance. With the Great Outpouring of this Gift of the Holy Divine Will, You Holy Spirit shall Come and Renew the face of the earth.Lord Jesus may this our humble prayer become Your Great Command.
Fiat! Amen! So Be It!
V18 – 12.25.25 – “My daughter, it is True that the Living in My Divine Will is a Gift, and it is to Possess the Greatest Gift; but this Gift – that contains Infinite Value, that is currency that arises at each instant, that is Light that never goes out, that is Sun that never sets, that puts the soul in her Place, Established by God in the Divine Order, and therefore she takes her Place of Honor and of Sovereignty in the Creation – is Given but to one who is Disposed, to one who shall not waste It, to one who shall Esteem It So Much and Love It more than his own life; even more, he must be ready to sacrifice his own life so that this Gift of My Will may have Supremacy over everything, and be held as more than life itself – even more, his life be nothing compared to It.
Therefore, First I Want to see that the soul really wants to do My Divine Will and never her own, that she is ready to make any sacrifice in order to do Mine, and that in everything she does, she always asks Me for the Gift of My Divine Will, even just as a loan. Then, when I see that she does nothing without the loan My Divine Will, I Give it as Gift, because by asking for it over and over again, she has Formed the void within her soul, in which to Place this Celestial Gift; and by becoming used to Living with the loan of this Divine Food, she has lost the taste for her own human will, her palate has been Ennobled and shall no longer adapt itself to the vile foods of her own self. Therefore, in seeing herself in Possession of that Gift that she Longed for, Yearned for, and Loved So Much, she shall Live of the Life of that Gift, she shall Love It, and shall give It the Esteem It Deserves.”
V24 – 9.24.28 “My daughter, indeed it is My Divine Will to give the Kingdom of my Divine Volition, nor can I help Wanting and Yearning to give the Great Gift of It. If it were not so – if I did not Yearn for the Return of man into the Royal Palace of My Divine Will – I would go against the Order of Our Creative Work that, with Highest Wisdom, Created man so that he might Live of Our own, and Dwell in the Kingdom of Our Fiat, given to him by Us as his Inheritance. …this shall always be Our Most Important Point – Our only Purpose and Special Interest: that Our Creative Work be Restored and Reordered as it came out of Our Creative Hands, and that it Live in the Kingdom of Our Divine Will.”
V34 – 7.25.37 – “In another Greater Excess of Love I shall give them the Great Gift of the Kingdom of My Will. The Celestial Virgin, Heiress of this Kingdom, shall Call the creatures as Her Children, that they may Receive the Gift of Her Great Inheritance.”
Day 9 – Gift of the Divine Attributes – May 30
United with Our Blessed Mother Mary and our little mama Luisa in the Cenacle on Mount Zion (1st Christian Church), we pray for a Great Outpouring of the Holy Spirit for the Second Pentecost to Start the New Era of the Third Fiat!
We pray to the Holy Spirit for the Great Gift of the Divine Attributes:
O Most Holy Spirit, we the little children of the Holy Divine Will, beg You for the Gift of all the Divine Attributes that receive Life from Your Love. We pray You to free us from the desires and pleasures of this earth, so that we may Stroll in the Immeasurable Heaven of the Attributes of God. We pray You for the Grace to Enter into Your Divine Will to receive the Beautiful Rainbow of Your Attributes, the Tints and the Various Colors of the Likeness of Our Creator. O Most Holy Spirit, we implore You to Invest us with Your Divine Attributes. With the Rays of Your Divine Will may we be completely stripped of ourselves and be completely Filled with You, and all that is Divine. We pray that Your Divine Attributes Press around us and Keep us on the Road that You have Formed for each of us in the Interminable Light of Your Attributes. We beg You to Keep us Covered within this Light, Raise us as Beautiful as Possible, and Keep our names Written in Your Divine Attributes all for the Glory and Honor of God. Then with the Great Outpouring of this Gift of the Divine Attributes, You Holy Spirit shall Come and Renew the face of the earth. Lord Jesus may this our humble prayer become Your Great Command.
Fiat! Amen! So Be It!
V5 – 3.23.03 – “God is the Creator, and if He creates the creatures, it is love alone that makes Him create; if He keeps all of His Attributes in continuous attitude toward creatures, it is love that pushes Him to this, and His very Attributes receive life from love.”
V8 – 9.7.08 – As I was in my usual state, Blessed Jesus came for just a little and told me: “My daughter, the more things of which the soul deprives herself down here, the more she shall have up there in Heaven. So, the poorer on earth, the Richer in Heaven; the more she is deprived of tastes, pleasures, amusements, trips, strolls on earth, the more Tastes and Pleasures she shall have in God. Oh, how she shall Stroll in the Expanse of the Heavens, especially in the Immeasurable Heavens of the Attributes of God! In fact, each Attribute is One More Heaven, One More Paradise; and among the Blessed – some Enter into them as though at the Margin of the Attributes of God.”
V12 – 7.25.17 – “…Even More, all My Attributes Invest her and change weakness into Fortitude, ignorance into Wisdom, misery into Richness, and so with all the rest. In the other acts something from herself always remains, but in these she remains completely stripped of herself, and I Fill her Completely with Myself.”
V14 – 5.15.22 – “And how, not only in My Heart, but in all of My Attributes I Carry your name Written; and this name of yours, Written in Me, Makes Ever New Currents of Grace, of Light, of Love, etc., Open toward you…”
V16 – 7.30.23 – “The Rays of My Divine Will empty her of what is human and Fill her with what is Divine; so, one can see in her the Beautiful Rainbow of My Attributes. Therefore, My daughter, enter often into My Will, to receive the Tints and the Various Colors of the Likeness of your Creator.”
V32 – 4.9.33 – “My Attributes Press around her, and They Love this creature as the Apple of Their Eyes; they feel her Life in Them, and their Life in her, and They take on the Task of Raising her as Beautiful as They can, and of not letting her take one step outside of the Road that They have Formed for her within Their Interminable Light. So, one who Lives in Our Divine Will can be called ‘the little road in the Divine Will’…Our Love showed off More than ever in this Eden in Creating man; and for the Fulfillment of Our Display, and to keep him More Safe, We Formed for him the Road to be Covered within the Light of Our Attributes.”
V35 – 9.26.37 – “Whenever Our Divine Will wants Us to do an Act or give a Gift, everyone and everything bend their knees to do what It wants. When all have Prayed, even Our Very Divine Attributes, We Confirm the Gift.”
Whitsunday – Solemnity of Pentecost – May 31
United with Our Blessed Mother Mary and our little mama Luisa in the Cenacle on Mount Zion (1st Christian Church), we pray for a Great Outpouring of the Holy Spirit for the Second Pentecost to Start the New Era of the Third Fiat! O Most Holy Spirit, Omnipotent Breath of God, we, the little children of the Holy Divine Will, implore You to Blow the Breath of Your Spirit Continuously within us, Keeping us always Ignited and Consumed for Love of You.
We pray You to Light Your Divine Fire in our souls with One Continuous Breath that Keeps It always Lit. Please Renew in us the Power of the Father, the Wisdom of the Son, and the Love of You, Holy Spirit. We pray that as You Invest us with Your Spirit, we may Acquire New Science, Invincible Strength, Ardent Love, so that a New Life may Flow within us, that shall render us Intrepid and Courageous for the Divine Glory of God and for the Salvation and Sanctification of all souls. With Your Refreshing Breath, we beseech You to Rule over us and Confirm us in the Most Holy Divine Will. Then with this Great Outpouring of Your Breath, You Holy Spirit, shall Come and Renew the face of the earth. Lord Jesus may this our humble prayer become Your Great Command.
Fiat! Amen! So Be It!
O Holy Mother of God and our Mother, with little mama Luisa we pray You to let the Holy Spirit Descend into us, that He may Burn away all that does not belong to the Divine Will. Pour Fire and Flames into our hearts, that They may Consume us, and Burn away all that is not Will of God.
Today, in honor of the Blessed Virgin Mary, one with little Luisa, let us recite Seven Glory Be’s in Honor of the Holy Spirit, praying to Our Lady that His Prodigies may be Renewed over the Holy Church. – Virgin Mary in the Kingdom of the Divine Will from the prophecy of day 30
V6 – 9.2.04 – “…I tell you that it is the Breath of the Holy Spirit that, Blowing continuously into you, keeps you always Ignited and Consumes you for Love of Him.”
V7 – 10.4.06 – “My daughter, I Renew you in the Power of the Father, in My Wisdom, and in the Love of the Holy Spirit.” …“Upright Operating keeps Divine Love always Lit within the soul… with the Upright Operating, it is not many Breaths that Light this Divine Fire in the soul, but One Continuous Breath that keeps It always Lit – and it is only the Omnipotent Breath of a God.”
Virgin Mary in the Kingdom of the Divine Will – prophecy from day 30 – “Then the time came for the Descent of the Holy Spirit, Promised by My Son, in the Cenacle. What a Transformation, My child! As they were Invested, they Acquired New Science, Invincible Strength, Ardent Love. A New Life Flowed within them, that rendered them Intrepid and Courageous, in Such a Way that they scattered throughout the whole world to Make Redemption Known, and to lay down their Lives for their Master.
…make your Mama content! Come to Live in this Kingdom so Holy! …Oh, how Happy I shall be if I am able to say: “My child is all Mine, because she Lives of Divine Will.” And I shall Make the Holy Spirit Descend into your soul, that He may Burn away from you all that is human; and by His Refreshing Breath, He may Rule over you and Confirm you in the Divine Will.”
Citations in novena:
- Book of Heaven, by Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta
- Virgin Mary in the Kingdom of the Divine Will, by Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta
- “Luisa’s Yearnings for Sanctity” by Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta